As Tom waited patiently for his time to end.
Tom’s dream walked into the room and had come to pay his last respects and bid farewell to the man who had never used it.
His dream said to him as he looked at him with so much shame.
Why did you not realize me?”… the dream asked Tom.
“Because I was afraid”… Tom replied.
“Afraid of what?” … asked the dream.
“I was afraid I would fail”… Tom replied
“Have you not failed by never attempting to use me?”… asked the dream.
“Yes I did… and I always thought there would be a tomorrow”… replied Tom.
“You Fool”… said the dream.
“Did it never occur to you that there was only ever today… the moment that you are in right now… do you think that now that Time is here with Death… that you can put them off until tomorrow?”… spoke the Dream sadly.
“No”… replied Tom… a tear gently rolling down his cheek
The dream was softer now….
Then the dream learnt forward and gently wiped away the tear and said…
“You need only have taken the first step and I would have taken one to meet you… for the only thing that ever separated us was the thought in your mind and the lack of trust in yourself that you could not have me.”
Then they said goodbye and both died… (An Inspirational story from Ange Fonce)

Don’t Give Up On Your Dreams
According to Ms. Bronnie Ware, an Australian nurse who compiled the top 5 regrets people say aloud on their deathbed, one of such regrets is not being able to achieve one’s dreams.
We all have dreams. Yes you do! You have dreams that will be a blessing to the world! Your dream is meant to make a difference.
However, the problem occurs when your dreams have to face reality. One has to succeed and lead the other.
Unfortunately for some, their dreams have had to take the back-burner.
Have you abandoned your dreams and rather hold on to luck whom you beg to make you succeed?
I have had to take certain decisions in my life just to make my dream a reality and I have never had any regrets while going through the storms.
Achieving your dream might look so difficult; it might seem like something so far-fetched but you need to immerse yourself in your dream; you need to work it out shares Lesly
So Here is a presentation to encourage you as it has done for me to hold on to your dreams. It will definitely spur you to action.

Source: Don’t Give Up on Your Dreams

Why Quitting isn’t an Option
So you still feel like you want to give up on your dream, then you should read why quitting isn’t an option.
If you love your passion and cherish what you do, quitting isn’t an option.
You will see that there are cool ways to make your dream into a huge reality
Over To You
If you decide to throw in the towel. If you decide to quit in life. If you decide to allow your dreams to just pass through you, then know that you are bringing everything in your life to a halt.
If you don’t work hard and pursue your dreams, you are hurting your existence and making your dream shed tears.
So decide! Do you want to bemoan your existence and be a spectator in life or do you want to create your success story? Please comment and share below