DH20, CC-BY 2.0 via Flickr
Isn’t it strange that the meaning of the word “Compete” changed from come together to strive together.
Isn’t it strange that people develop their skill or profession just to outperform their colleagues or strive out of jealousy of their neighbour.
As strange it seems, it is the reality of our world. There is competition everywhere. Siblings compete for the attention of parents. Students compete to get the best grades. Let’s not forget the competition in sports.
The mindset of many is that success comes from competition.
Why Do We Compete With Each Other.
This is not an easy question as there are many factors to consider. First of all, society has brainwashed us with such thinking. Society tells you that for you to develop and be productive, you need to compete. Competition enhances and provokes people to enhance themselves.
Then you get to a level where the success of others gives you a bad taste. You begin to bad mouth, belittle and criticize others unjustly so as to create obstacles for further progress
Why should you let someone else success be your problem. Well it’s Society’s fault but society is not the only problem; lets look at some factors that have influenced us to compete with each other.
There is an overwhelming emphasis to win. Does not matter if it’s a game, presentation, sports and argument, there is a desired outcome to win. The reason for this behaviour is that winning promotes positive emotions, status, feelings of accomplishment and self worth. No one ever likes losing.
Comparing Skill/Profession Disorder
Do you know that you can compete with Role Models? I am not a big fan of Role models and in future post, I will give you full details but don’t get me wrong, I am inspired by what legends have done to cause a change in our society. However, the problem with Role models is that people get to a point where they begin to compare themselves with their models.
You gauge where you are and where you are supposed to be by observing what Role models are doing. Sooner or later you will end up judging yourself (How painful)
The Solution
So here is my message:
1. Don’t Compete With Others. There is no one on this earth that is You and there is no one that can be the better You. You will lose what is most important when you compete with others.
2. Compete With Yourself. Rather than compete with others, compete with yourself. Think of becoming a better You. Read the quote below from John Wooden (a successful coach with 10 NCAA Championship) and think about it.
“Never try to be better than someone else, always learn from others, and never cease trying to be the best you can be because that’s under your control. And if you get too engrossed and involved and concerned in regard to things over which you have no control, it will adversity affect the things over which you have control.”
3. Don’t Be An Obstacle. Don’t go about spoiling people’s success. Don’t criticize and bad mouth the progress of others. It might make you happy today but sooner or later, you will regret it.
4. Help Others. Rather than tear down other people’s success, learn to help people achieve their dreams; praise and encourage them. Collaboration is the key.
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