Welcome to the “Be an Inspiration.” series. This is a space where I share with you the inspiring stories of people and communities that are making a difference in the globe. You will see that anyone can make a difference… and be an inspiration to the world; a light that should spread its passion to others. (Spread this message and light the candle of others.). You can check other episodes here.

So your life has not been going smoothly and it looks like your story is going to be a sad ending.
You have suffered so much that no one understands your pain. You wonder if nature is just all out to get you and make your life miserable.
What if you were raped at the age of 14 and lost your virginity to the point that it changed your life forever?
What if people abused your essence to the point that you looked more like a piece of rubbish? What would you do?
Isn’t it better to just give up and leave this world? What more can you get from this world when you are so depressed that you just don’t know what to do?
These are thoughts that kept haunting Lorraine as her world kept crumbling.
Lorraine was a rape victim who later became a prostitute, a drug addict, and a high school dropout, not to mention a single a mother at the age of 18.
One would think that her life would come to an end and it almost did. However, Lorraine was able to overcome her suicidal thoughts and make a difference.
She then became a certified English teacher, a freelancer, an entrepreneur, and an author.
You can watch the video as she shares her story
What Lorraine teaches us About Overcoming Suicidal Thoughts
You Can Write Your Own Story
Despite all the challenges Lorraine faced in her life, in the midst of all the darkness, she was able to make a tremendous U-turn and make a difference in her community.
Lorraine is now a writer, an editor, a freelancer for hire, and an entrepreneur that now has 9+ income streams.
It is easy to make an excuse and point fingers at others, but, as Lorraine showed, you are responsible for what you want to be in life.
Who do you want to be when you grow up?
Do you want to be the one who blames others for your circumstances or do you want to be the one who designs his reality?
Who do you want to be when you grow up? A Whining Blamer or a Reality Designer Share on XDon’t Belittle your Essence
The sad thing is that people don’t understand whom they are in the world.
This is why people use their gifts to do horrible things to others without realizing how much their essence means to the world.
What you don’t realize is that you can make or break your world with your words and action in ways you never imagined.
You matter to the world and there are so many people whom through your existence will have their issues solved.
Don’t leave a legacy that will hurt your community. Be an inspiration and make a difference.
Read this poem to see all the stuff Lorraine has gone through. Then realize there is hope for you!
Don’t leave a legacy that will hurt your community. Be an inspiration and make a difference. Share on XYou Can’t Overcome Depression Alone
So many people have died because they kept pretending to be fine when depression and suicidal thoughts were eating their soul.
But it was not their fault as our world isn’t in high spirits to help out.
However, Lorraine shares that overcoming suicidal thoughts and depression does not happen in a day and no one can do it all alone. We need each other to be able to curb this issue.
Lorraine shares in her book, From Nope to Hope, how to overcome these situations with stories, strategies, and positive affirmations. This is a go-to resource for anyone going through depression.
So many people have died because they kept pretending to be fine when depression and suicidal thoughts were eating their soul. But there is hope Share on XYour Weakness is an Asset
I wrote about how much your weakness can become an asset and Lorraine has proved this point. She is making a difference by helping people to overcome their suicidal thoughts, teaching them how to be successful, and how to live a happier life.
Her book and story have saved a lot of lives and her journey is giving people the power to unravel their purpose.
Lorraine was also a guest on my website when she taught us What to Do When Your Family Does Not Support You Emotionally.
Remember that your weaknesses allows you to make an impact. You have all it takes to change the world. Your existence is enough to make a difference.

If you have gone through the mountain, through the storms, and you are victorious, your weakness will give you an advantage. The world is waiting to hear about your experience and be inspired by your success story.
You have got something special to offer the world, so go make a difference.
You can start by changing your mindset.
Your weaknesses gives you an opportunity to make an impact. You have all it takes to change the world. Your existence is enough to make a difference. Share on XOver to You
What do you think about suicidal thoughts and how can this issue be resolved? Please comment below. Thanks.