
There is a saying that what is constant in life is Change. Yes we know that but it’s a fact that change is sometimes difficult to embrace but what if you were inspired to change. What if you knew that you are not alone in the struggle for change.

Now there is a community out there that is an inspiration and an advocate for personal change.  This community is known as The Change Blog.

If you are struggling with change or you need a little spark to make a change in your life, then head over to the Change Blog.

The Beginning

It all began with a young man who decided to make an impact on his society. He started by giving his personal stories in order to give others hope but then he took a decision to go to the next level. His name is Peter Clemens and here is an excerpt of his story:

I created The Change Blog in 2007 not because I have all the answers, but to share my story in the hope that it would help others. The short version of this story is that I know what it is like to be unhappy and drifting through life without purpose.

My wake up call came in 2006 when I received the unexpected news I was to be a father. This news was the catalyst for me to start a process of inner-work to change myself into the person I wanted to be. These days I am happy to report that life is great. Don’t get me wrong, there are continually things I struggle with … but what have which I once didn’t are inner peace, happiness and purpose.

While The Change Blog initially focused on my story, I soon realized there are so many people with their own stories of personal change this blog shouldn’t be about me; it should be about us. That’s why The Change Blog has evolved into a community blog which publishes stories from people of all ages and backgrounds from across the globe.

Click Here To Read the Full Story 

Since 2007, he has created a community that has published so many stories of people who have experienced personal change.

The Change Blog Community

Not only do I love stories, I love to be challenged by peoples’ experiences which is why I read a lot of stories on Change Blog. It amazes me what people have to go through to make a change in their life. Most people went through a lot of hardship to make a change. Some had to make a decision while for others it was easy.

Each story is unique and you will definitely learn a lot from the stories. The Change blog will provide all you need to make a change which include encouragement, knowledge, inspiration, motivation and support. 

Furthermore, the Change Blog allows guest posting but its not restricted to bloggers. Anyone who has a story about personal change can write to the Change Blog. (Check out the Guidelines).

One thing that the Change Blog will remind everyone is that You are an inspiration; Your life is a blessing to others; Your story gives light to those in darkness.

So Be an Inspiration

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