The most difficult thing for you is to live your life without an Identity. Such a crisis, scares you to the bones because losing your identity is losing your entire existence.
How on earth are you supposed to live your life with this identity crisis? How are you supposed to live your life to the fullest when you have no idea of who you are?
Your life seems to be meaningless because there is nothing to define You.
What sort of dreams could you possibly achieve if you had no sense of purpose? How would you create your reality if you don’t know where your world began?
You suffer such an identity crisis to the point that It is no wonder why you hold on to anything that gives you a sense of belonging.
Like an innocent and sweet baby that comes to the world, you constantly need to keep validating yourself through the perception of others.
It is not your fault!
Indeed, it seems that humanity feels incomplete without a sense of identity, which is why it’s not surprising that you may allow the following:
After all, you were born into this pattern; you met the system. Maybe you don’t like it and can’t help it but If you cannot beat it, it is best you join it.
No point fighting with a calling that is out of your control..
But who would you be if the World didn’t give you an identity? Who would you be if the World did not give you a label?
Who would you be if the World didn't give you an identity? #Foodforthought Share on XAm I saying that having an identity is a bad thing? Am I looking down on this identity crisis? Certainly not!
Yet, when your sense of identity makes you choose little over greatness. When you cling to the belief that you are insignificant and don’t matter, you begin to define yourself through superficial labels.
If your Identity makes you not accept who you truly are, then you are insulting yourself and this is the sad part.
When you struggle to accept that you are truly awesome and fail to recognize that you’re an incredible creation, blessed with a unique blend of talents, it’s time to reassess your sense of identity.
So I ask you Who would you be if the world never gave you an identity? Please comment below and share it with others.
When labels define you, then you are minimizing yourself #Inspirationalquote Share on X