One of the powerful and unique gifts that you possess is the ability to make yourself better every day. Being able to change your emotional, intellectual, and physical faculties pay huge dividends, in both your personal and professional lives.
So how do you make yourself tired while trying to become the best?Â
How do you make yourself feel depressed, overwhelmed, achy, run-down, older than your years, spent, wrecked, and running on empty trying to be the best?
How To Make Yourself Tired Trying To Be The Best Version of Yourself
1. Being Number One
“You are not special. You are not exceptional . … You see, if everyone is special, then no one is”. David McCullough
You don’t want to be known as average. Such a term is an insult to your personality. To be known as ordinary and associated to be like everyone else is degrading to your uniqueness which is why your goal is to be No 1.
The problem is that you have to work towards staying on top. If being No 1 is all that matters to you, then going down in rank can make you worry and put yourself under much pressure.
You will always be looking unto the shoulders of others, trying to compete, outmaneuver, and be one step ahead of your competitors which eventually will make you tired.
Don’t be rank conscious. Your uniqueness and talent has nothing to do with being No 1. It has more to do with making an impact and inspiring others.
2. Being An Island
Do you have a DIY mindset? Do you love being the lone wolf and don’t need the help of others?
You see others as not being good enough because they have the Midas touch to every situation.
If being the best means that you have to do it all alone, then be ready to make yourself tired as you are like a man who is building a bridge across the sea all by himself.
It doesn’t matter how much passion you have or how focused you can be. Unless you have the strength of Hercules, you are in for a never-ending goal.
There is a wise saying that no man is an island. Never look down on the wisdom of others. Their experience can be the aha moment to your struggles.
Realize that you need the help of others because every person’s experience is a stepping stone to your success.
3. Never Being Grateful
Life owes you so much that you deserve every good thing in life. You love to savour the sweet taste of honey but hate the bees. You want to admire the roses yet you despise its thorny side.
All that matters to you is to push yourself to get more and more. Your happiness is tied to every situation in your life. ” If only this happens” only then “I will be happy”. it is about helping yourself and no one else.
In the end, you will be angry and disappointed as the world does not work in the way you imagined; This cycle of hurt and anger will eventually drive you crazy. it will make you tired and zap you of your energy while you continue in such a path.Â
The beauty of being grateful is that it relieves you of stress and makes you happy. So be grateful and watch as your relationships improve and your life blossoms.
4. Living Someone’s life
Striving towards a goal can make your journey have meaning but sometimes you can reach a goal that doesn’t fulfill you.
While there is so much temptation to live the life of someone else, You are on a path to a reality that isn’t yours and doesn’t sync with your inner self. As a result, You are in constant struggle and everything you do seems to be a lie.
The more you deviate from who you are, the more you make yourself tired so why not stop wasting time and energy and be Yourself.

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown your own inner voice. Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
5. You Want To Please Everyone
As a Child, you delighted in seeking praise from your teachers and parents which is why the more praise you received, the more you focused on impressing everyone.
Nothing has changed and you still allow the expectation of others to rule your life. It is better for everyone to be happy with you than to risk being excluded by the community.
The best version of yourself has been pigeonholed and you believe that other people’s definition of you matters.
The problem is that You cannot be everything to everyone. If you decide to go north, you cannot go south at the same time. If you try to fit into the expectation of people, you will make yourself tired.
Remember that people might have an inaccurate view of you so what is the point of working hard to meet their expectations.
Stop trying to please everyone as this is impossible. Instead, let people accept you for who you are and not what they want you to be.
6. Striving to be Perfect
Your sense of worthiness is on the line if you are never ( beautiful, smart, thin, talented, admired, intelligent, etc) enough.
You strive towards making everything perfect, creating all conditions in order for you to be happy. Being perfects enables you to minimize pain, blame, Judgement and shame.
Yet you can’t control everything and this is the reality that you must come to terms with. As gracious as your goals look, it is unrealistic to become perfect.
You will be depressed, anxious and your happiness will not last long because your quest for perfection will result in exhaustion.
Being the best you isn’t about being perfect. There is beauty in imperfection. Don’t seek perfection from outside as you already perfect in your essence.
Don’t let what other people think of you define your existence, you are amazingly full of potential and greatness.
7. You Are Not Recharging
Time waits for no one. You wake up one morning and you don’t get much to accomplish.
Each day is a struggle as you try to get something done. Yet you fail because you don’t even have the energy to even change the situation.
The problem is that you have not recharged yourself and had enough rest.
You don’t rest because there are other things to do that are much more important like attending meetings, getting glued on the internet, doing chores, watching T.V, and reading.
Your mind is trained to pretend your body doesn’t get tired but in the end, your energy is so low.
Take a nap; get some rest; life is not a series of sprint. Don’t be so fast that you overstretch yourself. Take a vacation, take a walk, close your eyes for a few minutes and put your body to rest.
Over to You
Have you been exhausted trying to be your very best?
Are you exhausted with your goals while trying to be the best?
Please share and comment below.