What happens when a beautiful and clean building is left with one broken window for any substantial length of time?
Now what do you think happens when you leave an abandoned car with a single window broken and untouched for weeks?

According to the Broken Windows Theory, leaving just one broken window creates a sense of neglect among the building’s occupants. This neglect is so powerful that it fosters an atmosphere of indifference, leading to a careless attitude toward the building as a whole.
So another window gets broken, People start littering, structural damage begins and in a relatively short space of time, the building becomes damaged beyond the owner’s desire to fix it.
As for the abandoned car, the experiment shows that the car becomes stripped and turned upside down within an hour.
The Broken Windows theory has inspired a philosophy among security agencies that serious crimes can be prevented by taking care of the little crimes. It’s a controversial theory about social behavior and visible signs of crime in an environment that has been popularized among criminologists.
You Do Matter
Despite the controversial view of the Broken Windows Theory, there is a deep wisdom in its logic.
Not everyone experiences a life filled with bliss and happiness. The challenges people encounter often leave them with shattered pieces. Some of these broken pieces are so damaged that it feels nearly impossible to put them back together.
So what happens when you decide to live your life with broken windows? What happens when you refuse to fix the broken windows in your life?
Sadly, you create a world that deteriorates faster than you imagine. The truth is that we are all connected and no human is void. A stitch left untended will cause harm to those around you and not just to yourself.
The more your broken windows become public, the more it affects your environment. It is like walking on thin ice.
Your mind becomes littered with all forms of negativity. People will break more of your windows with every form of mental manipulation till you lose the desire to fix yourself.
Fixing Your Broken Window
Take Responsibility
It is easy to blame others for your pain but the first step to fixing your broken window is to accept responsibility for your life.
Indeed the World is unfair and every circumstance in your life might be out of your control but taking action to be your better self is in your control.

Design Your Life
No matter how shattered your glass may seem, you have the power to fix your window and make a difference. The journey to make a difference might be very painful and comes with a lot of hurdles but the road less traveled always leads to bliss.

Over to You
The story of your life has not ended till you say so. You are the author of your world so take a brush and paint your reality in your world