No one wants to be seen as the loser, especially not you.
The idea of others viewing you as a failure, using you as a benchmark for their own success, can feel unbearable.
Yet, despite all your efforts, you can’t seem to shake the label. It feels like, no matter what you do, bad luck always finds its way to you
What seems easy for others, looks more like horror to you. You have become frustrated with your positive thinking because it has gone crazy
No matter all the personal development techniques you have done, you seem not to grasp success.
As a result, you have come to accept the life of the loser. Why bother when there is nothing more you can do?
But what if you knew that being the loser is the gateway to success. What if you knew that you can be an influence even though you are tagged the loser.
Are you in doubt? Here is how being the loser makes you an influence:

You Get to Write Your Own Culture
Did you know that people are tagged the losers based on norms and culture?
Take, for instance, there was a time when success was based on the following:
Culture has always tagged success in so many forms. So where does this leave you?
Bizarre as it seems, Culture has in a way influenced the measure of success. It has somehow influenced people’s thoughts about who is an influence and who is not.
But here is the thing, what shapes Culture and Norms is simply You.
You shape Culture in ways that you never imagined. No culture or norm has ever existed on its own because you make the difference.
Though it seems that Society might have created a standard for who is termed successful and who is the loser, you get to write your own story and create your own Culture beyond such limitations.
You are the criteria for how Culture turns out. You shape what is “losing” and what is “winning”.
So get on with your life and write your own story; write your winning culture

You Get to Use Losing as a Stepping Stone to Make a Difference
Do you know that your sense of losing is all wrong?
Everything you have come to accept as the concept of losing is plain wrong. The reason is that all winners were at one time losers.
How is this possible and what do I mean by winners being losers?
Have you ever believed that winning and losing is a destination? If you have ever thought so, you are not alone.
It is no wonder when you are faced with a little failure, you have no choice but to give in to depression.
Yet, winning and losing is not a destination but a journey. It is not how many times you fail that matters but it is the process and the mental foundation built that make the difference
It is your perception of losing that has made you feel that you have got nothing to offer.
Time to put your mindset in the right direction and make a difference.
Now you have the opportunity to put losing in the right perspective. You get to see your challenges and circumstances in a different angel.
You get to use losing as an opportunity to get better as your sense of losing becomes data points to succeed Share on XNo matter the situation! No matter the challenges, you can make a difference while being the loser.
As long as you keep learning from your mistakes, your success becomes shortened with time and You gather enough information to keep getting better.
“Develop Success From Failures. Discouragement and Failures are two of the Surest Stepping stones to Success”. Dale Carnegie
John Craig Turns His Worst Times Into An Inspiration
A Cartoonist Turns 609 Rejections into A Success Story
13 Examples of Rejection That Became Success Stories
You Get to be a Source of Liberation
Let’s face it! Your deepest fear isn’t that you are inadequate; your deepest fear isn’t that you are the loser and have nothing to offer. What you can come to terms is that you are powerful beyond measure.
You keep comparing yourself with others and making your endowed ability look small.
You keep holding on to your self-imposed standards and seeking the validation of your uniqueness from others
Isn’t it Strange that you seek the validation of others to show that your Story makes an impact?
There are those who you inspire and whose lives would not be complete without your existence. These people become liberated just by your existence.
By overcoming your challenges, you give others the power to build up courage, to overcome their limitations, to live their dreams and be a difference.
By making a difference, you give light to the Dark Candles. When you provide value, you give others a purpose bigger than what they never imagined.
Face it! What You can come to terms is that You are Powerful Beyond Measure Share on XOver to You
What do you think? Do you think that the loser can make an influence?. Share your thoughts on this issue