There is a candle in every soul
Some brightly burning, some dark and cold
And there is a spirit who brings a fire
Ignites a candle and makes his home
Carry your candle, and run to the darkness
Seek out the helpless, confused and torn
And hold out your candle for all to see it
Take your candle, and go light your world
Take your candle, and go light your world.
Rice, Christopher M..
In this world, there is a candle in every soul. The reality is that a lot of people are holding their candles with no light in it and they are looking for some candle (like you and me) with a light to take them out of the darkness.
This video shows a young guy with a light who decides to give his light to others. It seemed as if the young man didn’t know what he was doing, helping all this people without thinking of himself.
He was indeed anonymous, with no money and no fame; I thought he was going to give up and face reality but at the end, his message is quite clear; you don’t have to be rich to make a difference; you don’t really need a non-profit organisation to make a difference. We all can light a candle.
Now before you think about the video,  here are 5 great ways to LIGHT Your World
Even though love has been abused, misused and confused, our world cannot exist without it. Love is the only way to a man’s soul; it can change situations and it’s more effective than time travel.
Love is the only one that can make a path straight and can turn a hardened heart into a broken one. Love is the only one that can take a chance when everything seems to show a red light. Though there is happiness and Joy but every positive emotion starts with love.
You need to love; you need to take action and make a difference for everyone. Don’t just look for a feeling or a spark in your heart, love with action and watch as it affects others
If there is one thing I believe and share constantly on this blog, it’s that every one is an inspiration. The truth is that you can inspire your neighborhood, children, friends, co workers, state and government.
There are are great qualities that you have that inspire people even if you can’t see this yourself. These qualities are what people need to make a difference in their lives. If you think you need to take a big step to make a difference, watch the video again and see how little steps can make a big difference.
Give Up Not
The easiest thing to do when you are faced with a situation is to call it quits. It is best to stay in the safe zone. The problem is that safe zone doesn’t take you anywhere. Now sometimes, it looks like your baby steps is not producing any result and you feel it’s time to throw in the towel.
Well, just hang in there. In the video, this guy was losing money by giving it to a poor girl every single day. What was he thinking? Maybe he just wanted the girl to have something to eat but what started as small crazy steps turned to something great; he eventually made this little girl achieve her dreams. Think about How this applies to you and share your thoughts in the comment.
Help Out
This does not need much debate. you can’t light your world without taken action.

One way to touch the human feeling is by teaching. The world itself has come this far because people decided to make an impact and teach others to develop skills for their daily lives.
As shown in the video, this guy instilled vitality into the people he met; He treated them as if they were what they ought to be and helped them become what they were capable of becoming. Â So be the change you want to see in the world. (Mahatma Ghandi)
So there you have it;
L. Love  I. Inspire G. Give Up Not  H. Help Out  T. Teach
Now it’s time for you to think about this video and take action. Be an Inspiration!