Have you followed your passion and gotten no where?
Have you risked everything to make your passion a reality but you ended up losing everything?
Have you come to a decision that you don’t ever want to give passion a chance anymore?
There are some people who feel that following your passion is bad advice and they sure have examples to prove their point.
If you do believe that following your passion will take you no where and it is just a waste of time, then I suggest you click on this link and see if this mindset is true.
Passion is indeed the energy that keeps us going. It is through passion that you can go through obstacles without certainty. It is through passion that you can stay patient despite the challenges. It is through passion that your dreams don’t appear so far fetched.
Great leaders have never taken passion for granted as it is the fuel that inspires them everyday
But what if you knew that passion isn’t enough to drive you to success. What if you knew that your journey to success begins with the combination of focus and passion.
Great leaders have never taken passion for granted as it is the fuel that inspires them everyday Share on X
Passion + Focus
Now I am passionate about so many things. I have so many dreams that I wish to bring into reality. I am passionate about helping people to make a difference and achieve their dreams which gave birth to this blog.
I am passionate about creating things like an artist and solving problems like an inventor. My curiosity has made me develop passion for knowledge and I could read so many interests just to seek for wisdom
But what I discovered is that while having so many passions is a cool thing and you shouldn’t feel ashamed about it, being focused with your passion will take you so far.
What if you knew that Passion isn't Enough to drive you to Success Share on X
Why You Should be Focused with Your Passion
Barrie talks about how focus can drive passion and take you beyond your limitation. He shows that you can achieve anything if you are laser focused with your passion. You can check his post out.
You might think that being focused alone is all you need to be successful and that you don’t need passion to make a difference. However, the sad truth is that we can lose focus most times especially when we need it.
It is not easy to maintain focus but when you combine passion with focus, you certainly will make a difference.

Over to You
Do you think that being laser focused with your passion makes the difference? Share your thoughts in the comment section
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