I know! I know! You have got so much in your mind to say. Who would blame you? There is so much about this topic that gets you all excited.
It has been said that the best way to succeed in life is to leave your comfort zone and tread on paths that are uncertain.
Your life needs to dare the devil, overcome the monsters in your life, push yourself beyond your limits and be driven to reach the top. You have got to be ready for failure along the way to be able to create your reality.
But what if your comfort zone is the way to succeed? What if understanding your comfort zone and leaning into it makes the real magic happen?

Tapping into Your Comfort Zone could be the Route to Greatness
Why do things need to be hard for you to be successful? Why focus on things that make you struggle when there are some things that are easy for you.
Yes! there are things that are easy for you but are difficult for others. You can make a difference and flow in your uniqueness when you tap into your strengths.
Don’t get the wrong idea. It is insulting to your essence to focus on activities that have no impact on your life.
Claiming that your comfort zone is watching TV or engaging in gossiping is not going to make an impact in your world.
When you operate from your unique comfort zone, you can produce great results and be filled with so much confidence and happiness.
What would this look like if it were easy for you
Tim Ferriss was faced with so many crises in his life. No matter all that he did, it made no impact on his progress. It wasn’t until he took time to reflect on his life that he had his big breakthrough.
What would life be to you if it were so easy? Tim realized that he could create incredible results with ease instead of stress. He was able to solve problems just by changing how he saw things.
When you change the way you see things, then things will change for you. What are the weaknesses that are holding you bound? You can address them and focus on building your strengths.
If things could be easy for you; if you could frame things in terms of elegance and no strain, how much impact would you be able to create in your world? You would be a blessing to your audience that is struggling.
So does your Life begin at the end of your comfort zone or is your comfort zone the foundation to succeed? Leave your comments below and let me know what you think about this issue.
Be an inspiration.