Every man has the potential to influence his generation
Here is another series on Be an Inspiration. This is a space where I challenge you with inspiring stories of people and communities that are making a difference in the globe. You will see that anyone can make a difference and in truth, you are an inspiration to the world; a light that should spread its passion to others (Spread this message and light the candle of others).
What are you living for? Your hopes has been shattered. Your dreams has been made worthless. You think you are just a waste of space because you have lost everything and you are just waiting for the inevitable.
What if you knew that against all odds, you can make a difference? What if you knew that though you have lost everything, the sky is just the limit?
This is the message which Johannes spreads to the whole world and he does this through his Masterpiece painting.
Johannes Swanepoel was born on the 5th of October 1964 in Ladybrand, in the Free State in South Africa. He had finished school education in Pretoria and served in the South African Air Force Police for a year.
Unfortunately, on the same day that he received his long awaited driver’s license, during the 5th & 6th lesion on 17 June 1983, Johannes was involved in a ghastly motor accident. This accident resulted in Johannes being a C5/6 quadriplegic. ( paralyzed from the shoulders downwards)
This shattered Johannes. It seemed he had lost everything. His dreams was about to go into vapour.

After 2 to 4 years of rehabilitation, Johannes worked as a Sales representative and Sales Manager for four and a half years at two companies respectively. He then started his own company but it went under liquidation due to wrong choices.
It was in 1994 that Johannes decided to pursue his passion. He began to paint with his mouth thanks to so much motivation from his mother, family and friends,

The same year he was accepted by the “the Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists Worldwide” (VDMFK) and he studied Fine Art for five years at Port Elizabeth Technicon under the best South African Artists.
Follow Johannes Swanepoel’s board South African Art on Pinterest.
On the 29th of January 2005, Johannes got married to Elzanné (whom also is Disabled with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), and they both reside, in Vrede, in the Free State.
Although Johannes has become bedridden , this has not stopped him from following his passion. He is experiencing the friendship and joy of networking with prominent South African Artists and even markets their artworks through building websites and through the internet.
What if you knew that against all odds, you can make a difference? Share on X What if you knew that though you have lost everything, the sky is just the limit? Share on X
What You Can Learn From Johannes
1. Never Give Up.
Johannes had the right to give up and cling to depression.
He had lost everything and his dreams were on the verge of extinction. His world was coming to end.
Yet he did not give up but with so much determination and against all odds, he pursued his passion. Just imagine being able to paint a masterpiece by using your mouth.
It is easy to give up when the odds don’t favour you but before you do, here is the thing, what if you decided not to give up and instead to move? It will make a difference in your life.
Never give up, and be confident in what you do. There may be tough times, but the difficulties which you face will make you more determined to achieve your objectives and to win against all the odds. Martha
Read More: Don’t Give Up on Your Dreams
2. Nothing is Impossible
There is the temptation to question what is possible in our lives.
Sadly, you have embraced Excuse and believe in this lie that some things are not meant for you. You don’t have what it takes to make a difference.
If you have questioned your abilities based on some self imposed standards, then you need to have a rethink.
I am not saying that everything is possible but not everything is Impossible. This is what Johannes shows us.
Read More: Anything is Possible
3. A Thought Makes a Whole Difference
What gave Johannes the courage to overcome his shortcomings and purse his dreams?
Johannes had gone through a cycle of depression. So what was it that made Johannes make a difference?
Thoughts are powerful and they are what drive the brain.
Read More: 4 Myths About How Your Brain Affects Your Thinking
One positive thought can be a turning point in your life which is why you should never take negative thoughts for granted but replace them with positive thoughts so quickly.
Over To You
Against all odds, how do you react to situations and challenges. Share your views in the Comment section.
About Johannes Swanepoel
Johan Swanepoel Stock Images and Print