Small acts when multiplied by millions of people can transform the world. Howard Zinn
A Homeless poet named Raimundo Arruda Sobrinho was known to sit on an island on the grassy median in São Paulo, Brazil.
For 35 years, no one knew the mastery of this poet; it seemed that he was doomed to oblivion without being loved and appreciated.
Then one day, he crossed paths with a woman named Shalla Monteiro who decided to make a difference in the life of the poet.
She created a fan page on facebook for Raimundo in order that the world would experience the mastery of his words.

This small act not only transformed the life of Raimundo but he was able to reunite with his family.
Shalla might not be in the book of Legends or might not be favored by history but her small act was able to transform the community of Sao Paulo.
This community was able to come together and form deeper connections. Shalla demonstrates how powerful love can be when it is deeply shown to a human.
Every one desires to love and be loved and I commend her for the choice that she made to reach out to the poet whom others had ignored.
Make a Difference
Your small act can make a difference in the life of others. Your experience and gifts is a blessing to your generation. So be an Inspiration.