Just look at the Rhino, working out to achieve his dream, to be a unicorn
Yeah this is a Joke but a lot of people behave like this Rhino in real life.
You have been told to “Follow your dreams”; go out and fulfil your destiny. You have been told that if you don’t follow your dreams, you going to live a life full of regrets and most of you are probably on that path to self fulfilment.
This phrase is a very popular inspirational message among people. It’s filled with a lot of stories of people who are happy, doing what they were meant to do and while its so supposed to make people happy and live out their dreams, a lot of people have been greeted with disappoint, depression and intense pressure.
Why is a quote that is so beautiful, so powerful and inspirational, be a nightmare to people?
The Follow Your Dream Concept
It starts with the story of a character who is struggling within himself. He might be rich or middle class; might be comfortable or even poor but this character is restless. There is something missing in his life; there is a higher calling. So he leaves his safe existence and journeys into the path of freedom.
Oh this character is actually real!
There are stories of people who left high paying corporate Jobs to become artists, musicians and even comedians. This people left their safe zone and did something they never thought of.
The Problem
Don’t get me wrong, I am not being sarcastic. There is nothing wrong with following your dreams if you only understood what that means and that’s the problem, most people don’t really understand what it means to “follow your dreams” and that’s why only a few have been able to achieve this goal.
One thing that amazes me and I have said this on other posts is how our world makes things so complex. Society dictates to us what to do and we follow. Our world has shaped us into what we believe is our dream and passion. If you don’t believe me then ask yourself, what is your dream? You will discover that it would definitely be things that have to do with riches, a big house, fame, a nice ride, a president, ………………………
Have you ever had a dream of being lazy or begging for alms? Oh that’s gross! Why? because that’s not acceptable to our world. I am not encouraging you to have such dreams but this is why most people are depressed and feel empty. Our world has shaped us into defining what our dreams should be. That’s why when we think of our dreams or passion, we think of doing more, seeking more and wanting more; we are told that you must work hard to achieve your dreams or passion; you have do something but in reality………
Your dream or passion is in you and it’s what defines you but it’s not easy to discover because of our distorted view of self fulfilment.
Your dream is likened to walking. Accept you don’t have a feet, walking is natural and there is no hardwork to it unless you are not healthy but imagine if you were told that there is a certain way you could walk and you will get a job and someone tries this move and it works. Then others try it and they get the same success;it becomes accepted. There will be others who will never get the walking step; no matter how they try. These people will feel bad and will believe that they will never get a job unless they walk that way.
A clumsy illustration but think about it. Your passion could be to take care of your kids, or love your husband, be comfortable and share love to your neighbours. These are good dreams but then society comes fighting your dreams and then you feel depressed and guilty; there is a need to do more.
Just have to stop now. In the next post, I talk about ways to follow your dreams and end the nightmare. What is your view about this?