
Every Man Has the Power to Influence his Generation

Be an inspiration series is a space where you are challenged by people and communities that are making a difference in the globe. You will see that anyone can make a difference and in truth, you are an inspiration to the world

When was the last time that you got this warming satisfaction from a post that made you leap for joy and get ready to make an impact in your world?

Have you ever felt like you could go on when you saw a writer use the right words to express a point or idea?

There is something about words. In expert hands, manipulated deftly, they take you prisoner. Wind themselves around your limbs like spider silk, and when you are so enthralled you cannot move, they pierce your skin, enter your blood, numb your thoughts. Inside you they work their magic.” ― Diane Setterfield, The Thirteenth Tale

Why Blogs are Treasures

We live and breath words and this is why it isn’t surprising that blogs have become treasures in our world. 

With blogs, our words become magical. It becomes a voice and becomes the power to change the course of the lives of others for good. Yes! one kind word can change someone’s entire day.

Blogs makes us do something valuable with our passions and interest. By connecting with our voice, you have won the heart of others and gained loyal followers. 

This brings me to ELSIEISY’s blog which is one blog I admire for its diversity of writers.

You will be inspired by the community who entertain you with their creative posts. Trust me, it a place where you can relax. 

Elsie is doing a #Blogfest 2016. This is a yearly celebration which hosts every beautiful piece that has ever been put together by awesome bloggers.  

She loves the art of writing and outreach which is why she is inviting every writer to make a blogging mark. 

If you are interested, here is how to participate: 

blog-festival-on-elsieisy-blog-blogfest longer-1

Over to You

If you want to make a mark, market yourself, show your professionalism, catch trips or just for plain humor, then, this is a great start.

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