Tonia rocked back and forth on the same spot in the corner of the lounge. Her eyes were terrified as she stared into space oblivious of her surroundings.
She suffered from a nervous breakdown and this wasn’t the first. But with the last one, her brain could not take any more of the series of shock.
When she was 10 years old, she witnessed her terrified mother have a nervous breakdown due to fear of storms.
She watched her mother in the basement, curled up and rock back and forth as the hurricane destroyed their home.
All efforts to make her mother snap out of it proved abortive. Her mother later passed away never to see her daughter again.
This event had an impact in Tonia’s life and she would end up having the same experience as her mother after attempting to commit suicide due to losing her husband who couldn’t stand her condition any more.
Every medication prescribed for Tonia had no effect. Her condition seemed to get worse and she wasn’t responding to treatment.
Tonia never spoke to anyone; she just rocked back and forth on her chair. When it all seemed that Tonia’s condition would be permanent and her destiny would be to live as a Vegetable, a breakthrough came along. Tonia was miraculously healed.
How she healed and recovered from such condition seemed mysterious but It was all thanks to the healing that happened in her thoughts
Tommy had been watching Tonia in the Lounge and was curious about her condition.
He learned about Tonia’s condition from the nurse and decided to spend some time with her after seeing one of his members. Tommy would sit and chat with Tonia everyday and It took a while before Tonia would for the first time, give a faint smile.
This encouraged Tommy to keep coming and praying for Tonia. Little by little Tonia began to respond, as Tommy would pray for her, sometimes reading her poems and most times holding her hands and encouraging her.
Tommy later decided to do something very interesting. He knew that Tonia’s problem began with the horrible experience of the hurricane.
With the permission of the doctors, Tonia was made to experience the dreaded event in her memory again but with Jesus in the picture.
With Jesus in her memory, Tonia experienced peace which she had sort for ages. Jesus was there to comfort Tonia and her mother.
Much to the surprise of her doctors, Tonia was healed and lived her life with no fear and pain.
4 Myths on How our Brain Affects our Thoughts
Tonia’s story reveals an important fact that the way we think about how our brain affects our thoughts is flawed. I share with you some myths about how your brain affects our thinking.
The Brain is not The Most Powerful Thing In The Universe
Its common knowledge that your brain creates what you do and how you think which has made you believe that it the most powerful thing in the universe.
So when one is faced with conditions like depression or nervous breakdown, it certainly looks like the brain is malfunctioning.
Yet research has shown that this school of thought is just a myth. According to findings by experiment, there have been reports that our brain is controlled by our mind (our thoughts).
75% to 98% of mental, behavioral and physical illness comes from one’s thought life; your thoughts controls your DNA.
When you think negative thoughts, this can change your brain wiring and cause a lot of damage to your body.
Our Brain Controls Our Thoughts
It is easy to believe that the brain controls your thoughts and is responsible for your actions but this is far from what happens in reality.
As you can see from Tonia’s situation, it was her fearful thoughts that made her have a nervous breakdown.
Your body does not control your mind; Your brain does not control you.
You control your brain and you do this through your thinking and choice. Think about this.
Circumstances and Events Shape Our Mindset
When circumstances and challenges come your way, only the tough will stand and persevere. As good as this quote looks, there is a misconception in its meaning.
Yes you must face challenges and problems in this world but it is not circumstances and challenges that shape your mindset, it is the way you react to them. The keyword here is your reaction.
Challenges do not change your mindset, it how you think about them and the way you respond to them that matters.
Dr. Caroline Leaf carried out research to compare Soweto students in Africa to Harvard students.
These Soweto students had been exposed to physical, mental and sexual abuse; they had no loving parents and some couldn’t afford the basic amenities of life.
Yet when they were compared with Harvard students, 95% of the Soweto children loved school work and learning in comparison to 80% of Harvard students who suffered from depression.
How was this possible? These Soweto students were brainwashed with techniques that made the student realize that they could use their minds to rise above their circumstances. (The Happiness Advantage. Shawn Achor)
You cannot control circumstances and situations but you can control how you react to them and your brain will follow suit.
Choice is A Function of The Brain
How do you make choices? How do you decide which direction to go? Have you ever thought that free will is an illusion? You are not alone.
For centuries, there have been debates on how choices are controlled by our brains and every decision one take is a result of brain activity.
This school of thought has been proven wrong. Research shows that what you say and do is first built into your mind before you make a choice.
The brain isn’t just some input-output machine, you are directly responsible for what you choose to think about and dwell upon. As a result, this affects your decision.

Over to you
Now here is a question do you think that your brain is in sole control of your thoughts? Please comment and share.
P.S You can check out this book titled “Switch On Your Brain: The Key to Peak Happiness, Thinking, and Health by Caroline leaf” for more information about the brain and thoughts.