“ I am so sorry. I will do anything you want”. Lilian apologized to Larry. 

Earlier in the day, Lilian had tried to talk to Larry on Facebook but she could not get through to him.

She sent Larry so many texts but her chat was just filled with her own message. Lilian decided to post a message on Larry’s timeline, hoping that it could reach him.

Larry had asked Lilian to post her nude pictures on Facebook to prove her love for him. This request shocked Lilian and while in rage, she refused to grant such a request.

But when Larry did not speak to her for two weeks, Lilian began to worry and soon panicked.

She had a rethink of her decision and was ready to do anything for Larry if he could just speak to her just once.

When Your Self Worth is Determined by Others

The wisdom of society is to measure your worth by comparing yourself with others.

But what if you knew that by seeking approval from others, you are gambling with your self-worth

Did you know that you are diminishing the inherent worth of yourself when you measure yourself based on external actions?

Don’t believe me!!

Here are 3 Crazy Things you did not know When Your Self Worth is Determined by Others

what if you knew that by seeking approval from others you are gambling with your self worth Share on X

1. You’re Letting Others Control Your Sense of Self-Worth

You worry so much about how people feel about you to the point that you bend to their will.

You feel safe being an impostor and would rather get along with others than stay true to yourself.

he idea that simply being yourself is seen as a nuisance can be devastating. You end up prioritizing others’ happiness, all while losing touch with who you truly are.

What you should know is that you have given others the right to steer your life. You just sold the patent of your essence for others to profit from your existence.

As a result, you lose control over your own abilities and become merely a tool for others to use

You just sold the patent of your essence for others to profit from your existence. Share on X

READ MORE: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Sense of Identity

2. You’ll Find Yourself Working Extra Hard Just to Fit In

Rather than stand out, you are going to spend most of your time trying to fit in.

You have the backing of your Competitive Culture which already believes that you have to be above others to feel special.

Not everyone is going to like you even though you have done so much to fake it. You are going to need constant approval to make a difference in your world.

Even though you manage to feel self-esteem for one golden moment, you won’t be able to hold on to it.

Your sense of self-worth will bounce around like a ping-pong ball, rising and falling in lock-step with your latest success or failure.

3. People Don’t Have an Accurate View of You so why bother?

With so much you have achieved in getting others to validate you, have you ever thought about if they have the right to validate your worth?

Isn’t it strange that you hand over your worth to people who don’t have the permission to determine your value?

Doesn’t it look weird that you seek for others to see you as special when it is hard for anyone to produce a bit of your DNA?

Why do you work so hard to be acknowledged for your abilities, when all you are doing is just being yourself?

READ MORE: Who Would You Be if The World Never Gave You an Identity

Doesn't it look weird that you seek for others to see you as special when it is hard for anyone to produce a bit of your DNA? Share on X


Do you think that it ok to let others determine your Self Worth. Please share and comment below.

Be an inspiration. Thanks

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