Social Media has truly leveled the playing field and given everyone a platform to have a voice. It’s the biggest game-changer of the last decade.
Yet, it seems that that the race to be relevant on Social Media is very much becoming a marathon. You want to do much more than just share photos, events, content and news. You want to influence your audience with your Social Media presence .
The good news is that you don’t have to be a celebrity to make a difference on Social media.

Here are 10 ways you can make a difference in your Social Media Channels:
Avoid Numbers and focus on a Great Relationship
It’s great to have 500,000 likes and 1,000,000 followers on your profile but how many of these fans are your friends?
Would you be able to call 50,000 of our audience by their first names without looking at the screen? (That’s Hard work right)
While you can’t be friends with everyone, you can make it a goal to let these people be real in your life.
Sending a direct message ; creating a hangout and even calling is a great way to connect with your audience.
A “following” doesn’t have to be just another stroke of the ego. Don’t think of your audience as just a digital profile; create a long lasting relationship.
Be a Great Listener and a Good Communicator
It’s amazing how the sharing of information and events are going at the Speed of light through a new realm of communication. Social media has indeed destroyed the old media gatekeepers.
This also shows that people love to communicate and you can make a difference by being a good listener.
Those who make a difference with their Social media presence pay attention to their audience. They don’t just post randomly; they give updates that are filled with value and benefits.
Good listeners always turn out to be Great Communicators. Make an effort to listen and communicate effectively.
Stand out with a Strategy
There is no doubt that the Social media space is so crowded. You can feel the pressure to be consistent to stay relevant to your audience.
You have a voice that is unique to others and attracts your audience to your platform. Yet, you need a strategy that constantly channels your personality to stay relevant to your audience
There are a lot of resources online that shows you ways to make a difference with your strategy but I like the way Neil Patel uses the concept of WHIPS Framework and 20/20 rule book to show how to make a difference to your audience using your strengths .
As Robert Filek puts it ; a strategy without a process is little more than a wish list.
Forget about being VIRAL
Doing stupid things to get people’s attention might make you viral in a second or even days but it is not going to have a long lasting effect in the long run.

Trying to get attention without the thought of how it benefits your audience is like taking a road trip going in the wrong direction.
The best way to be viral is to be provide value. Building value to your audience takes time and work but the rewards makes it worth the process.
When you provide value to your audience, you are building a solid foundation for your Social Media Presence.
Forget about being viral and focus on being value conscious.
Be Yourself
Unless you want to hold on to your privacy, don’t let your Social Media presence turn you into a fake Character.
Be the real you in Social Media and outside the Internet. It does not make sense trying to be the perfect character. It makes a difference if people can connect with your experience.
Try Creating a Product or Service with Your Followers.
There are so much problems that your audience face in the Social space. So why not create a product or service with your followers.
Your audience will not just love that they can solve their problems with your Product, you also build trust with your followers.
Always be Thankful
Being grateful to your followers is a great way to make a difference. There is a lot of negative messages on social media and your audience will appreciate it when your genuinely acknowledge their presence and their effort in your goals.
Focus on Helping Over Selling
You should never give your audience the feeling of being sold. Always be helpful; respond in a timely manner if your followers ask a question.
When you discover your audience is buzzing about a particular problem, create a content that resolves the issue.
Though Social Selling is on the rise , you should never let your social media presence be about the “hard sell.” Offer solutions to your audience instead of pitching your products and they will become your lifelong customer.
Tell your Story
Sharing sincerely about why you care about something can be very powerful. You have the opportunity to reach your audience with a loving perspective they may not hear anywhere else.
By inviting your followers into a deeper story, you incite revolutions to make the World a better place.
Your audience are looking for more than someone who wants to show off. They want to genuinely connect with you.
Don’t be a One-trick Pony
Being all over the Social media channels can be a waste of resources but what is even worse than being all over the place is being painfully predictable.
You don’t want to be a phony or spammer who just puts the same kind of content in the same place day after day with no little interest to those on the receiving end.
It’s boring. It’s monotonous and its an easy way to lose your audience.
Over to You
There are so many ways you can make a difference with your Social media presence. Let me know other ways of making a difference in your social network.